Xenomors Prime

Backstory: The first 
xenomors primes will be created when Gojira will decide to turn some Xenomorphs into kaiju*. These creatures don't need hosts to hatch. They hybridize themselves with their prey's DNA until maturity, turning them into kaiju chimera. Don't forget they're class nines!
* If you're wondering how Gojira is able to find Xenomorphs in logicverse 2019 (the multiverse were all these kaiju are coming from, you can call it LG-verse 19), she didn't. Gojira went to a different multiverse and universe to find some Xenomorphs. All kaiju can travel to different multiverses and universes, just kaiju who are class VIII and under have to have teleportation enhancement devices. 
(P.S.: xenomors will be first created in 2040).
