My Kaiju Classification Key

Before you read the posts, you will need to know what my kaiju classes and categories are. 


When you read a kaiju's class, you will find a number in roman numerals and a word. The roman numeral is the kaiju's number class (the classification for a kaiju's danger level). The higher the number class, the more dangerous the kaiju. There are 11 number classes (I through XI). Non-number classes, which are just called classes, are the classification for a kaiju's habitat. 

Terra class kaiju stay on land. Terra class is the primary and most abundant class. 

Aero class kaiju spend most of their life in the sky but walk on land and in underground kaiju cities to conserve energy.

Aqua class kaiju live in liquid (usually water and lava). They jump out of the liquid to attack. 

Nova class kaiju live on celestial bodies or float in space. They live on planets, moons, asteroids, etc. inhabited by kaiju and maybe microscopic life.

Hybrid class is the class of kaiju who can change between habitats. For example, a terra aero hybrid kaiju spends most of their life on land but has the ability to fly.


Kaiju categories relates to my kaijus' sizes. Like number classes, categories are distinguished by roman numerals. 

Category I kaiju are between "just big enough to be seen with the naked eye" to 20feet 11inches tall.

Category II kaiju are between 21feet to fifty feet inches tall.

more to come... 
